Enriching, Involving, Engaging, Every Child

  St. Croix Kids Registration

To register your child call Sheila @ 651-439-2279

  1. Set up a tour.  
  2. Get an invite to get the Brightwheel app.
  3. Pay $50.00 registration fee on the app (the registration fee is non-refundable).


Class Days Times Cost per Week Student / Teacher Ratio Ages
Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 - 4:00 $254.25 10 / 1 3-5 years

3 days
4 days

8:30 - 4:00


10 / 1 3-5 years


If you have any questions please feel free to call Sheila at 651-439-2279.  Children must be potty trained to get these tuition rates, rates are higher for children who are not potty trained.

Developed by ICBits